<h1 class="zw-paragraph" style="text-align: center;" data-textformat="{"ff":"verdana,dejavu sans,sans-serif","fgc":"rgb(0,0,0)","size":18.5}" data-doc-id="4397000237129035">Faith Without Works Is Dead</h1> <p class="zw-paragraph" style="text-align: center;" data-textformat="{"ff":"verdana,dejavu sans,sans-serif","fgc":"rgb(0,0,0)","size":6.5,"ts_kern":36}">14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?<br class="zw-br" />James 2:14-16 (ESV)</p> <p class="zw-paragraph" style="text-align: center;">Call in Live or Watch us Online: Sundays and Tuesdays we host an international conference call for people to join in the Word of God, share prayer requests and praise reports.</p> <p class="zw-paragraph" style="text-align: center;">Sundays @ 8:30 p.m. EST (5:30 p.m. PST)<br class="zw-br" />Tuesdays @ 10:30 a.m. EST (7:30 a.m. PST)</p> <p class="zw-paragraph" style="text-align: center;">Dial In:<br class="zw-br" /><span style="color: #00ccff;"><strong>(712) 432-6110</strong></span> Conference ID: 233039#</p> <p> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p>